Monday, July 07, 2008

Beware the Goose!

For those not familiar with the Goose it is a fun Game we have played with our Friends over the last Six or Seven years. Maybe someone else would be will to fill in more of the History. But basically when some major life event come along the goose will be "regifted." Well several weekends my brother-in-law (Josh) celebrated B.S. Grad and recieved the Dreaded Goose. Now all had hoped the Goose would be leaving us when Josh and his family leave for Portugual or even Carnagie while they are there. But, I am sad to report that last night that same sweet Josh (yuck) regifted the Goose to Matt for his upcoming Birthday.

So beware all. The Goose just might be there when you open that next gift from us.
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Alicia said...

OH NO!!! Well, at least we know who has it! =) Watch out for any gifts being given by the M&M West Clan.
A little history...Layth brought the goose to one of the Christmas parties in Pete for a white elephant gift. I (or Vance, I can't remember) was the first recipient of the dreaded goose. We then filled it with and wrapped it in bath towels for them as a wedding gift, leaving a little note on it stating "Honk, Honk, home sweet home." Since then, it has been passed around as a variety of gifts--from white elephant, to shower, wedding, birthday, and graduation. Each person usually leaves a note, so the goose is full of notes people have left in it before they pass it on. Good luck to the next person who gets it, hopefully it won't be me. My birthday isn't until Feb. =)

SweetRowles said...

YOU GOT THE GOOSE! You've officially been goosed... again, I believe? Enjoy! We're not accepting any gifts from you anytime soon...

Andee said...

The goose looks good at your place. And I know it's not until Feb, but Alicia will be celebrating her 30th...