Here you see Matt enjoying his son. Christian is the king of Neck bridges. You should see him. He just might rival his grandpa, great uncle, and dad at wrestling.
This is Tommy. He is the neighbor boy and the love of Nika's life. She yells for him. My nephew Kenny is good friends with Tommy and the other day he came over for dinner. Nika insisted on hold his hand during dinner and even slipped him a kiss. He is a little old for her Eight Years Old. Don't worry, Matt his rifle polished.
Christian is now a professional crawler. Check out my myspace page to see video of him crawling. Today he went and got his big boy pictures. I can't wait to show you all.
No new teeth yet. But I expect to see some soon. My normally wonderful man has been a little glum. I think it is because of his teeth.
Nika helped herself to Rasin Bran the other day. Matt caught her in the act. So instead of clean it up he told me to get the camara and I cleaned it up. She had spilled the ceral out and was just eatting the rasins.
Nika was feeding Christian crayons the other day. I thought it looked funny. Not many young men can say they already have facial hair at nearly 6 months.
Matt spent about an hour and a half on the Detriot Dam fishing this last friday. You know what? He even caught a fish. We had it as a snack before dinner that night. Nika and I were all excited
Christian had his first rice ceral the other day. He wasn't sure about the texture, but I promised to work on it. Last night he had sweet potatos for the first time and on Wednesday he tried cherrios and another little dissolve in your mouth treat.