Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Mom's Surgery

Below is a copy of an email my Step Dad sent me concerning my Mom's Lung Surgery. Keep her in your prayers.

Hi all,

Kay's surgery went well and from a technical perspective followed the path's expected by the physicians. The tumor and some nodes were removed in the region of the lower left lobe of the left lung. The surgeon feels things followed his expectations. Operation took 3.5 hours. Kay right now is in recovery. She'll have a room early this afternoon. The lower lobe itself was also removed. It'll take several days to fully analyze the tumor itself. Typically, these appear benign. A lower bronchial passage was resected and then reconnected. The team here will be watching that bit to make sure there are no excessive air leaks, so to speak. Some air leaking is OK. And we're told not to worry about it. The body itself seals around such bronchial passage surgeries. Surgeons will watch things over several days to determine if this has healed on its own. We're on guard against infections, with requirements for hand washing and bacterial cleansing for anyone near. Mary Ann is here today. We've been visited by a number of folks from the church, including Steven and Laurie Koski. We do feel in very good hands here. This is a terrific hospital. More as we have it.

Our Love,
Boyd and Kay


michelle said...

we will be praying, Meghan. Hopefully the tumors come back benign.

Anonymous said...

Dear Meghan,

Just a quick note to send my love and let you know that you all continue in my prayers as your Mom continues to heal. I know she'll be just fine but I hurt her as she deals with the recuperation and healing. I understand you'll be with her this weekend so give her a love for me.

Take care and God bless you all.

Love, Aunt Diane

Andee said...

We're all praying for our mom. Glad to know things look OK. Tag! Check my blog to find out moredeimvr