Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I have been tagged.

Well I am not entirely sure of how this works, but not matter what it should be interesting.

Andrea asked me to share the 5th photo in my 5th photo folder.

This brings me to a picture that was taken almost exactly a year ago. February 2008.

Somethings have changed since last year and some have not changed.

Nika still wears princess dresses all the time, we still have our room decorated the same, there is still clothes on the bed waiting to be folded. The only thing what would be different in this picture is that now we have another little tike running around.

This is the picture I was hoping it would fall on in this folder. Yes, I love the pictures of my little boy in a dress. He not the little boy who wants to wear a dress now. A year can change a lot of things. Now he is all boy. Jumping around yelling, "Super Batman"

OK, since it has been almost two weeks since Andrea tagged Alicia and Betsy I think they have to do mine too. Alicia, Betsy, Michelle, and Kysa. Would you please post your oldest picture.

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