Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pride & Predjudice Quiz

So I took this quiz to see which Character I was from Pride and Prejudice. Tell me what you think. When I was answering the questions I thought I would be Elizabeth. If you want to take the quiz it is at

Here are my results.

Which Pride and Prejudice character are you most like?

You scored as a Elizabeth Bennet You are independent, passionate and unconventional, with a sharp tongue and a quick mind. But you have a quick temper and sometimes forget who you're talking to...

Elizabeth Bennet


Charlotte Lucas


Lydia Bennett


Lady Catherine de Bourgh


P.S. Don't tell Matt I am suppose to be doing the Dishs.


Andee said...

I am Jane Bennet. It's because i'm incredibly pretty/handsome.

Alicia said...

90% Charlotte Lucas, 80% Mr. Bingley (hmmm??), and 65% Jane Bennett. I need to watch the movie again, Andrea can I borrow it? I am curious to see who Charlotte is, I can't remember.

P.S. Don't tell my boss, I'm supposed to be working; AND I had to look up the word imperious; AND, how do you know you are being mocked without realizing it?