Saturday, April 28, 2012

Church of St. Quirius

Also in the square with the Glockenspiel was this church, Church of St. Quirinus.  We later picked up an English book which explained in this Church lay the bones of a Roman Maryter St. Quirinus, whose bone supposably help protect the city from a ten month siege in 1475.

When peeked inside and were in awe of how beautiful it is.

Outside they have a fountian which pilgrims would come to drink from to be cured of illness.

Catholic ways seem so odd to me.  Drinking water from a special place seems so much like, in Brazil how you could get a bracelet from a specific church and obtain your request when the bracelet finally broke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We always found the churches in Europe to be at least as amazing as the castles. Are they still open all the time so you can go in?